Monday, September 25, 2006


This weekend was pretty light on adventure, but heavy on heart.

Being a glutton for punishment... and a fool for love, I traveled to West Virginia again on Friday afternoon. It rained the whole drive. Of the three or four times I've driven to see Erin, it's only NOT rained once. WV hates me, apparently, because it's always sunny and dry when I'm leaving. That night we had some dinner with Jerry (whom I had met) and Alice (whom I had not met) and afterward, went to "the apartment" where a bunch of Erin's friends hang out. I witnessed for the first time a contest of manly might known as "Beer Pong". We had a blast, then went back to Erin's room and crashed.

Saturday, we slept in until after noon, watched DVDs of Firefly most of the afternoon, and that evening went to WVWC's version of American Idol - Wesleyan Idol. A few of Erin's friends were participating in it, and everyone that was in the show was really good... it was tough to choose the winner, but it ended up being her friend Lauren Roots who sang Superstitious by Stevie Wonder. She was backed up by a funk-band composed of the members of Phi Mu Alpha (all of whom Erin knows). We hung out at the apartment for about an hour after, then grabbed some Wendy's and headed to her room to watch more Firefly and fall asleep.

On Sunday, we just relaxed and enjoyed each other's company until I had to leave. Once again, the trip home was dry and sunny.

I must say, I feel really blessed that all of Erin's friends like me, except for one... but y'know... there's one in every bunch... the one that can't be happy that someone else is happy. Everyone that's met Erin has loved her, too... and all the people that haven't met her are very excited to meet her! (which is how friends should be) and I can't wait for Erin to meet all the rest of my friends and family!

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posted by: Scott » 3:39 PM | 4 comments

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